Thursday, November 17, 2011

Oh Hi.....

If you ever read this, please jump up and down five times and skip in a circle. Then tell me your experience. Seriously. I never know what to write about, so tell me about your little adventure I just sent you on.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I have no idea. Do you?

As of right now I have officially declared my full major and clusters. I am studying Sociology with an emphasis in Criminal Justice also with a double minor of Forensic Biology and Psychology. Will I survive without going insane? We will just see. Ha ha.

I am going to tell you a little story. A few years ago at seminary graduation I was asked to conduct the music. Being nervous, I practiced and practiced so I didn't make a fool of myself. The truth is, I can not even play the piano why others sing, so why would I be able to conduct. I failed. A girl was laughing at me. It was embarrassing. Today at church I was called to be a ward chorister. This is going to be interesting. Don't laugh at me.

In my Criminal Investigations class I am required to WRITE text book. Yes, by the end of the semester I will have my own text book written. Freaking insane in the membrane, home slice. Yeah. I just said that, deal with it.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Being stuck in Rexburg around Thanksgiving is scary. I have never been to a ghost town until now.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Bluth Banana Stand.

Sometimes all I really want to do is watch Arrested Development all day long. This show is without a doubt, one of my favorites. On another note, so are all of the Thursday night t.v. shows. Community, 30 Rock, Cougar Town, Outsourced, and The Office always amaze me.
yeah. Thats my splurging moment for the day.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hello Blogging World.
I don't have much to say except some people have the coolest answering machines ever. Listening to them is probably my favorite part of working at a call center.
That is pretty much it.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Linguistics and Glee

Hmm...well, today I had a test. This test was a bad test. We spent the first half hour of class learning new material on the test. Cramming=no bueno. We also only had 10 minutes to take the test. A little ridiculous? I think so.
I was able to get the night off so that I can do homework. Homework is my life right now. It is a little sad. However, while I was embarking through the homework journey I was assigned to read a very interesting article for Anthropology. Skim through it if you feel so inclined...chapter 25. AWESOME. Thanks to Google books.

On another note lets discuss this weeks Glee. Let me tell you that I am personally not a fan of Glee, however, this episode was nothing but entertaining! I grew up listening to Brittany Spears and from time to time I still enjoy listening to her music. The regular character, Brittany, will always be one of my favorites. She is so funny! Where on earth do the writers think of things like that?